HAVi Technologies Ltd – Legacy product update to new Standards.
Project Duration: 10 months
Applicable Directives: UKEX (UKCA) and ATEX (CE)
Project Summary:
Initial assessment of existing products.
Key product of concern - White finger/vibration monitor that links to a wristwatch and monitor’s exposure/time. Weighted average gives warning levels of dangerous exposure levels to user.
Customer wanted to take the existing product to market for use in Potentially Explosive Atmosphere and was wanting our assistance to achieve this.
Our Role:
TIE carried out an extensive review of the HAVi product and all existing ATEX documentation to determine the most applicable protection concept. In partnership with HAVi, TIE provided additional design support and documentation preparation to ensure compliance with ATEX EHSRs. Once the strategy and supporting documentation was complete TIE supported HAVi with their product submission to a UK Approved / EU Notified Body.
Final Outcome:
Successful project completed. Product relaunched to market
The protection concepts under UKEX/ATEX are paramount when it comes to ensuring safe use of a product in its intended environment. The Area Classification system is strictly applied in environments where potentially explosive gases/dusts atmospheres may be present, so selection of the ‘correct’ protection concept is imperative. Correctly designed products to a protection concept will have ‘easier passage’ through Approved/Notified Body assessment processes. Hence a quicker/ cost effective route to market. A product that has been correctly designed to comply with the right protection concept will also gain access to a wider marketplace.
"Working with Andrew and the team at TIE, gave us access to experts in the field of ATEX. This expertise helped me ensure the project ran smoothly and to both budget and time. Andrew’s ability to quickly understand our product and his attention to detail throughout the project makes it very easy for me to recommend TIE."
Managing Director
Kate Louise Cole