What are The Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016?

The Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016 (UK EMC Regulations) are the UK's equivalent of the European Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU.

The UK EMC Regulations were created to transpose the European EMC Directive into UK Law following Brexit. With the United Kingdom’s departure from the EU the UK EMC Regulations come into force from January 1st 2025.*

The requirements of the UK EMC Regulations and the EU EMC Directive will remain very similar for the foreseeable future.

Do The UK EMC Regulations Apply To Me?

The UK EMC Regulations apply to all electronic or electrical products placed on the market or brought into service in the UK that are liable to cause or be disturbed by electromagnetic interference (EMI).

The vast majority of manufacturers of electronic and electrical products sold or used in the UK need to ensure they comply with the Regulations.

If you place products on the market in the UK and declare conformity to the European EMC Directive, you will now have the options to declare conformity to the UK EMC Regulations for those same products.

How Do I Comply With The UK EMC Regulations?

Conformity with the Regulations can be demonstrated by two routes: internal production control, or by UK Type Examination. The latter is completed by a UK Approved Body (UKAB) for the EMC Regulations.

In both cases you must perform and document an electromagnetic compatibility assessment of the product or system you are declaring conformity for. The assessment must demonstrate the equipment satisfies the essential requirements of the Regulations.

You must then draw up the necessary technical documentation and, if necessary, submit it all to a UKAB.

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How Can Technology International Help?

Technology International has been a Competent Body and then a Notified Body for the European EMC Directive since it was first introduced in 1991.  Since that time, we have helped thousands of products comply with the requirements of the Directive.

From January 1st, 2021 Technology International became a UK Approved Body for the UK EMC Regulations 2016. As a result we will be able to draw on our extensive experience to help clients navigate the UK’s new regulatory landscape.

We can provide tailored support to meet each client’s specific needs, choosing from a range of services that include:

  • Compliance Consultancy
  • Testing
  • Training
  • Compliance Management
  • Documentation Support
  • Technical Support Services
  • UK Type Examinations in accordance with the EMC Regulations.

*Note:  The UK Government has announced a period of transition where valid CE Marks will remain acceptable.